Claudia and George, two young and beautiful people who ran away from the crowded city and found a quiet place for their wedding near Brasov. At the edge of the mountains they had a lovely party with their close family and friends.
Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them.
This is their story.
1 comment
Join the conversationGeorge - February 1, 2020
Pe langa faptul ca sunt oameni faini, profesionalismul de care da dovada reprezinta inca o calitate a lor, care ne-a facut sa ne bucuram de serviciile lor. Lucratul cu ei a fost o experienta foarte placuta, pe care nu o regretam. Au un talent fantastic de a surprinde niste detalii pe care, mai apoi, le scot in evidenta intr-un mod deosebit. Va multumim inca o data!